TAXI: Koper, Izola, Piran and Portoroz

You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi.

In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space.

TAXI Koper Piran, Izola, and Portoroz tariffs.

You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space. You can quickly move between individual locations in the comfort of a taxi. In the summer months, you no longer have problems finding a free parking space.

Taxi Srečko: +386 31 386 000

Taxi Morje: +386 41 222 111

Taxi Sonce: +386 51 307 300

Taxi Izola (Bobo): +386 40 602 602

Avto-Taksi prevozi: +386 40 301 000

Taxi Piran: +386 31 730 700

Taxi Portorož: +386 40 301 000

Taxi A Portorož: +386 31 777 733

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